Jefe, El

Common Definition: Spanish word meaning the boss or chief.

Pronunciation: he-fay

Unauthorized Definition: Hispanic workers are very creative with their terms. Sometimes jefe really does mean boss or person of respect. However, they can turn any word into swearing. Jefe can also be derogatory. Yes, they’re calling you the boss. But they really mean you’re bossy. As in vaya jefe or “what a boss” or “what an S.O.B.”.

Sound Like a Pro: When talking with a crew chief for concrete, framing, etc. Call him El Jefe as a sign of respect. But be sincere if you’re a homeowner since the lines of authority are blurry.

If you disagree with the builder around an Hispanic crew. You can sarcastically call him jefe. However, be careful because this could undermine his authority.

Fun Trivia: El Jefe also translates as father. But it has a feminine form. If the boss is a woman, call her La Jefa.

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